
Jan 19, 2025    Jon Dietrich

Discussion Questions

1. Today we are in the third week of our teaching series called “Upside-Down Kingdom.” In

today’s reading Jesus teaches His followers about not judging others and removing the

“plank” from their own eye before attempting to remove the “sawdust” in someone else's

eye. Read it for yourself, Luke 6:37-42. What stands out to you as you read?

2. “Do not judge, and you will not be judged.” Here Jesus is talking about judgement that

comes from a self-righteous heart. How hard do you find this command to not judge


3. “Can the blind lead the blind?” The implied answer is “no.” Physical blindness in the

Bible is often used as a metaphor for spiritual blindness. Jesus is warning us about

religious leadership; be careful who you follow. There is only one leader worthy of such a

following, and that’s Jesus Himself. The role of all other Christian leaders is to step back

and point their followers to Jesus. What kind of religious leadership have you

experienced? Were they able to step back and point others toward Jesus? 

4. In the final section of this text Jesus warns His followers about removing the “plank” from

their own eye before seeking to address the “sawdust” in someone else’s eye. He is

teaching about the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of His day. These men were so

concerned with the sins of others but failed to address their own sin. How do you see

this playing out in our world today? What would it look like to live a different way?