Upcoming Events

Women's Luncheon (12-2 PM)

Aug. 3

Membership Class (Noon)

Sept. 15 & 26

Trunk or Treat 

Oct. 26

Chapel Announcements

2286 Cedar Lane, Arnold  CA - Service time: Sundays, 10:00AM
  • The following ministries are on Summer Break and will resume this Fall.
    - Women's Ministry Monthly Luncheon. Will resume in August.
    - Mom's in Prayer will resume when school starts in August- Click HERE for more info.
    - Searchers Adult Sunday School will begin its summer siesta starting in July. Classes will resume in mid-September.
  • Sept 15 & 26 - Two day membership class.  For more information click HERE.
  • Aug. 4 - Interesting in joining the Usher Team? This is a perfect opportunity.
                                          - Usher Training  following service.
                                          - For more information contact Jim Wagner. 
Don't Forget:
  • Searchers Adult Sunday School: 8:30 a.m., House #1 - “Questions that the Bible Answers”
    - Summer siesta starting in July. Classes will resume in mid-September.

  • Every Sunday - Jr. and Sr, High School Youth Group,  11:45AM to 1:15PM. Meet on the Chapel Deck. (Lunch provided)
    - Youth Fundraiser: Bring your cans and bottles to the Chapel Youth to recycle.

  • We're looking for volunteers for people to host Fellowship time after service to coordinate coffee and treats.
    - To sign up click HERE
    - Questions? See Ann Brocchini or Susan Dietrich.
  • The Women's Ministry meets the last Saturday each Monday at Noon in the foyer.
    Bring a dish and friend to share. (Contact Cecile Kaiser with any questions.)
    Note: No luncheons for June and July. The next one is in August.
  • You are invited to join Pastor Jon and others as we pray weekly for our church and the needs of our community.
    3pm Wednesday's at the picnic tables near the pond (or in the Office conference room).
  • Have a heart for the church or our missionaries? Join the Missionary Team.
     ☛ Please be praying for our  Missionary of the Month!
  • Do-wooders need volunteers! Just show up Monday's & Wednesdays, 8-11am .
    For firewood, stop by the Office to fill out an application (Tues-Thurs, 9:30 - 3pm)
    Here's a great video describing the program:  Out and About with Tim & Lisa Muetterties