Upside-Down Kingdom: Faith in Action
Discussion Questions
1. Today we are in the final week of our teaching series called “Upside-Down Kingdom.”
In today’s reading, Jesus has concluded His time of teaching and now shows His
disciples by His example what it looks like to live out this kind of faith. Read it for
yourself, Luke 7:1-10. What stands out to you as you read?
2. Jesus just got done teaching a large crowd about what it takes to be one of His true
disciples. He spoke about loving your enemies, not rushing to judgment, and how you
can recognize a person by their “fruit.” Now local leaders have asked Jesus to help the
servant of a Roman Centurian. What do you know about the Roman's relationship with
the Jewish people during this time that would make this a tricky situation?
3. Although this particular Roman Centurion is said to be friendly to the local Jewish
people, even helping them build their synagogue, most people of Jesus’ day would
consider any Roman to be “the enemy.” But Jesus looks at something deeper and
decides to go help this man. In what ways do you see Jesus living out His sermon
from the previous chapter?
4. “Say the word and my servant will be healed.” These are the words of a Roman
Centurian who considers himself unworthy to meet Jesus, let alone have Jesus enter
his house. Jesus responds by saying that He hasn’t found such faith even in all of
Israel. When the messenger returned, he found the servant healed. Why do you think
Jesus considered this man's faith so great? What can we learn from the faith of this
Roman Centurian?