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Upside-Down Kingdom: Builders
Discussion Questions
1. Today we are in the fifth week of our teaching series called “Upside-Down Kingdom.” In
today’s reading Jesus teaches His followers about putting His teachings into practice by
comparing them to wise and foolish builders. Read it for yourself, Luke 6:46-49. What
stands out to you as you read?
2. “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do what I say?” Even Jesus’ earliest followers
had a hard time putting His teachings into practice. They heard His lessons but struggled
to live them out. I think we all can relate. Can you think of a time where you finally had a
breakthrough and put one of the teachings of Jesus into practice? What was that
experience like? How did things change?
3. Jesus spoke about two different builders, with two very different buildings. One with a
firm foundation and the other built on sand. It’s not hard to imagine what happened next.
The wind blew and the flood waters came and, in the end, only one house remained.
Retell this metaphor of Jesus in your own words? How does retelling it help give you
further insight?
4. As the old saying goes, you are either in the middle of hardship, coming out of hardship,
or soon to be entering a time of hardship. No one gets to escape the winds and the
waves. So, the question becomes one of endurance, and how you will go about
weathering the storm. Jesus’ answer is simple, listen to His teachings and put them into
practice. The longer you have walked with Jesus have you found it easier to weather the
storms of life? Why or why not?